





简介:福禄克i50S,50MHz交流电流探头设计用于板凳示波器,该i50s电流探头提供了一个符合人体工程学的,强有力的和高性能的解决方案的测量直流和交流电流高达50兆赫。 With a permanent nominal current of 3...

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福禄克i50S,50MHz交流电流探头设计用于板凳示波器,该i50s电流探头提供了一个符合人体工程学的,强有力的和高性能的解决方案的测量直流和交流电流高达50兆赫。 With a permanent nominal current of 30 A RMS and a measuring capacity of 50 A for 10 s, as well as exceptional immunity to high common mode voltages (dv/dt = 5 kV/_s,) amplitude = 1,5 kV, error < 0,05 % of IPN), the i50s considerably widens the possibilities of accurate measurement of commutation currents. 永久标称电流30 RMS和测量能力的50为10秒,以及特殊的免疫力高共模电压( dv / dt的= 5千伏/ _s , )振幅= 1,5千伏,错误“ 0,05 %的互穿网络) ,大大扩大了i50s的可能性精确测量整流电流。


直流带宽高达50 MHz的
Nominal current 30 A额定电流30
Max.马克斯。 current 50 A, < 10 s目前的50 , “ 10秒
Automatic zero adjustment and degauss functions自动零调整和消磁功能
Overheating and Head Unlocked warning过热和预警头1-5
Rise time < 7 ns上升时间“ 7生理盐水
External magnetic field rejection rate AC and DC 60 dB外磁场废品率AC和DC 60分贝
Rejection rate of fast dv/dt (5kV/_s) < 15 mA t废品率的快速dv / dt的( 5kV/_s ) “一十五毫安吨
Nominal current (In)额定电流(在)   ± 30 A dc or A rms ± 30直流或A有效值 
Measuring range (duration <10 sec)测量范围(时间“ 10秒)   I max ±50 A pk本人最大± 50峰 
Output Sensitivity输出灵敏度   low range 1 V/A (1 MΩ)低范围1伏/ ( 1 MΩ ) 
 High range 100 mV/A (1 MΩ)高距离100毫伏/ ( 1 MΩ ) 
Overall accuracy (dc to 100 Hz at 25 °C)总体精度( DC至100赫兹在25 ° C )   ± 0.5 % at In typical ± 0.5 % ,在典型的 
 ± 1.5 % at I max ± 1.5 % ,收于我最大 
Gain variation (max)增益变化(最大值)   ± 0.04 % of rdg/ °C ± 0.04 % rdg / ℃ 
Step response阶跃响应   in Data Sheet在数据表 
Frequency response频率响应   in Data Sheet在数据表 
Insertion impedance (ZI)插入阻抗(訾)   in Data Sheet在数据表 
 < 0.1 Ω up to 10 MHz “ 0.1 Ω可达10MHz 
 < 0.4 Ω 10 MHz to 50 MHz “ 0.4 Ω 10兆赫到50兆赫 
External magnetic field rejection rate外磁场拒签率   60 dB (ac and dc) 60分贝( AC和DC ) 
Rejection rate of fast dV/dt at 5 kV/ μs废品率的快速dv / dt的在5千伏/微秒   < 15 m At (during dV/dt) “在15米(在dv / dt的) 
Output noise level (measured with a filter at 25 MHz)输出噪音水平(衡量一个过滤器在25兆赫)   1 m At rms typical一米RMS的典型 
Output noise level (measured with a filter at 25 MHz)输出噪音水平(衡量一个过滤器在25兆赫)   9 mA tpp 9毫安卟啉 

Dynamic Characteristics动态特性 
Bandwidth带宽   DC to 50MHz(-3dB) DC至50MHz的( -三分贝) 
Frequency derating (see Figure 4)频率降额(见图4 )   10 A at 10MHz 10在10MHz时 
Rise time, (10 % to 90 %)上升时间, ( 10 %至90 % )   tr < 7ns文“ 7ns 
Delay time延迟时间   td < 25 ns运输署“ 25纳秒 
Overshoot冲   < 5 % of reading “ 5 %的阅读 

General Characteristics一般特征 
Aperture dimensions孔径尺寸   5 x 5 mm (0.2 in x 0.2 in) 5 × 5毫米( 0.2在X 0.2 ) 
Max primary conductor temp初级指挥气温最高   60 ° C (140 °F) 60 ℃ ( 140 ℉ ) 
Dielectric withstand介质承受   1350 Vrms / 50 Hz / 1 min 1350年Vrms / 50赫兹/ 1分钟 
Working Voltage工作电压   300 Vrms or DC (CAT I) 300 Vrms或直流氧化氢酶( CAT一) 
 150 Vrms or DC (CAT II) 150 Vrms或直流氧化氢酶( CAT二) 
Operating temperature操作温度   °C to + 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) ° C至+ 40 ℃ ( 32 ° F到104 ° F ) 
Storage temperature存储温度   -10 °C to + 60 °C (14 °F to 140 °F) -10 ° C至+ 60 ℃ ( 14 ° F到140 ° F ) 
Maximum Altitude最高海拔   2000 m (6600 ft)二零零零米(六六〇 〇英尺) 
Maximum relative humidity最大相对湿度   80 % , 31 °C (87 °F) 80 % , 31 ℃ ( 87 ℉ ) 
Environment环境   indoor use only室内使用 
Power supply电力供应   ± 12 V ± 0.5 V ± 12伏± 0.5 V 
Current consumption at nominal电流消耗在名义上   30 A 550 mA 30五百五十毫安 
Current consumption during demagnetization电流消耗在退磁   1.3 A (for 6 sec) Probe 1.3 ( 6秒)探针 
Output cable length输出电缆长度   2 m (6.6 ft) 2米( 6.6英尺) 

 Models and Accessories模型及配件  
Model name型号名称  Description描述  Buy it **购买** 
i50s i50s  AC/DC SCOPE CURRENT PROBE,50MHZ 交流/直流电流探头范围, 50MHz的
Included: 包括:
Carrying case实施情况
Power supply cable电源线
Calibration certificate校准证书
Power supply adapter电源适配器
Earthing lead接地铅
Operators manual运营商手册
Model name型号名称  Description描述  Buy it **购买** 
i50S i50S  AC SCOPE CURRENT PROBE,50MHZ交流范围电流探头, 50MHz的 









